What to look for in the best spray on chrome kit

When you are looking for the best spray on chrome kit, there are several things to look for. You will want to start by choosing a kit made by a spray chrome company that has been in business for a long time as the company will have the experience gained over time to provide the highest quality spray chrome systems. Founded in 1932 Peacock Laboratories, PChrome has the history and experience you want. The kits offered by PChrome do not include bulky, unnecessary equipment, and they provide you with the ability to complete your chroming projects in a straightforward manner without a long, complicated process. You will also find that PChrome is available to provide you with technical support and assistance over the phone if you have any questions. Then, you will choose the kit that is most appropriate for the size of your project.


Spray chrome kits for smaller projects

If you are a designer or artist, or if you have a smaller project that requires 50 square feet of coverage or less, the PChrome Artist Starter Kit is ideal for you. You can also choose this kit if you want to try it out before you purchase a larger kit. This kit allows you to create a gleaming mirror-like finish on plastic, metal, wood or about any other surface material with which you are working. The kit comes with all of the solutions and materials you need, including the 2KA basecoat/topcoat and the PChrome S, D, R and W solutions. It also comes with spray bottles for your base coat and top coat and the specialized dual canister spray bottle for chroming. This kit is available in 25- or 50-square-foot coverage levels.


Spray chrome kits for larger projects

For larger projects, you can instead choose one of the PChrome Professional Starter Kits. These come with coverage levels of 125, 250 and 400 square feet. Contained in the kit are all of the 2K base coat, hardener, reducer and top coat solutions along with the PChrome S, D, R and W solutions. This kit also contains the special silvering spray gun, which has dual heads for the best professional coverage and results. Like the smaller starter kits, the professional kits contain all of the spray bottles you will need for your various mixtures.

For the best spray chrome system, you’ll find that the kits offered by PChrome will provide you with the same beautiful finishes that you get with traditional chrome plating applications. To order your kit today, go to the shopping cart on our website today to order yours.